Sunday, April 6, 2008

Drama Filled Saturday!

Sorry Min...I know I should be editing recipes for the cookbook right now, but I had to take a break and post this made me laugh!

Saturdays are so busy and I'm sure you all know. This Saturday was so full of drama, and at the time it was frustrating to me but today I can look back and laugh.

It started with Avery. First thing in the morning she came running into the kitchen with tears pouring down her face because she had a loose tooth. I just said "Great! Now the tooth fairy can come!" She got a horrified look on her face and yelled "She can't have my tooth! It's mine!" Then she ran and got back in her bed and hid under the covers. I could hear her sobbing when I walked by her room. I was baffled! This is not how the boys handled it at all. They were both so excited to lose teeth and get a dollar! In fact, when Drey gets a tooth that is even the slightest bit loose he will yank it out (way before it's ready) just to get the dough! One time, he got busted on the bus because he had a loose tooth and he wanted some cash so he bit down on his backpack strap and had one of his buddies yank it really hard so it would come out. He came inside after getting off the bus with blood STREAMING down his chin. The bus driver wasn't happy because he bled all over the bus! So I didn't know how to deal with Avery and her hysterics! She literally cried in her bed for over an hour. She cried so much that her cheeks got all chapped. Here's a picture of her poor red cheek. ( As you can see by her smile in the picture, she got over it and is now excited to lose a tooth!)
As I was trying to deal with Avery, Drey was having his own meltdown. During the week, I do all the housework by myself but on Saturdays the kids have "Saturday chores". I love it! Usually, one of Gage's chores is to put the dishes in the dishwasher but he was gone to take baseball pictures. So I gave that chore to Drey. I figured it was time for him to learn. So I explained how to load the dishwasher correctly and went about my business. I could hear him moaning and complaining and yelling about how unfair it all was. He would keep running into my room telling me he was gonna barf if I made him do it because it was so smelly! He was like "Mom, theres wet, nasty food in there!! I'm gonna barf!" So (I'm a mean mom) I said to hurry up and barf and get the dishes done so we can go to Gage's baseball game. After about 30 minutes of trying to fight with me about it, he knew I wasn't gonna let him off the hook so he went in to do it. After awhile, when I didn't hear anything, I went in the kitchen to make sure he was working and he had a dishtowel tied around his face so he couldn't smell it. It was so comical looking so I ran to get my camera. Of course, the camera battery was dead so I had to change it. By the time I got it changed and got back to the kitchen, Drey had taken off the dishtowel and strapped his Easter basket to his face. It was hilarious!! I snapped this picture just as he was taking it off. I guess he couldn't see with it on!


ducklips said...

That was a hilarious post. I'm glad Avery is ok with loosing her tooth now. If it makes her feel better Addie has already lost seven and it still frightens her. She was actually scared because she didn't want the tooth fairy anywhere near her bed. I had to find a toothbrush w/ a spot for the tooth fairy to leave money in it.

Drey is a crack up. I love that he put the basket on his head. Today at school he told Kas he was grounded for the rest of his life, so I was wondering if you had a pretty stressful weekend.

Kristi said...

Thanks for the great laugh! It's nice to know my kids are not the only ones who do crazy things! Drey is killing me with the bucket over his head! I'll have to let my boy's in on that technique! Lunch was great! Next time maybe,Olive Garden .. soup and salad?