Friday, May 8, 2009

Halfway done with NURSING SCHOOL!!!!!!!

This last week marks the end of Block 2. I still have a final exam next Wednesday but class, lab and clinicals were all wrapped up this week! I can't believe it. It feels so weird to think that the semester is over and I have a whole summer to lounge around reading novels (instead of textbooks) and getting a FULL nights sleep and hanging out with my kids and swimming and having time to work out again! And most STRESS! No constantly thinking about what project or paper is due or if I'm ready for the next test. We had a test every single Wednesday so you could NOT get behind on your studying. It was constant and grueling and IT'S OVER! It feels SO good. I did it! I actually loved Block 2. I loved the instructors, I had a great clinical group and I got to work in the hospital instead of the nursing was just an awesome semester. Below are some pictures of us practicing our mad skills.......

Another awesome clinical group..I stole this picture from my friends Facebook page. I wasn't in this group but I'm sure they have mad skills, too.
After the last day of clinicals we all decided to go out to celebrate. We went to eat at Valle Luna where we gorged ourselves on chips and salsa and reminisced about all the good and not so good times this semester. My partner in crime...or partner in "slime" was Ali. We worked on the same floor at the hospital all semester and saw and did a lot together! We're trying to get the same clinical schedule for next semester because ...well...shes a rockstar nurse and I don't want to do it without her. Keeping the fingers crossed.
Thank you to EVERYONE who helped our family out this semester. So so so many people that made it possible. If I didn't have support and help I simply wouldn't be able to go to nursing school. So THANK YOU! Thank you to my mother in law, my mom, my sisters, my sisters in law, my neice and all my friends and family who were willing to watch Delly while I was gone. Thank you for the dinners brought in to feed my family during the crazy weeks that Joey was bedridden with his back issues. Thank you for the words of encouragement when I was tired and stressed. I've wondered many times if I'm being selfish by doing this. It takes so much of me. Thankfully, the kids and Joey are adjusting and pitching in to help and we're doing just fine with it. I hope I'm teaching my kids the value of education and following your dreams. I've wanted to be a nurse forever and it's so close I can taste it. So, thanks you guys. I love my peeps!


Mombee said...

One question.........why do all the patients have this look of horror on their faces when you guys are around them???

Alisa said...

Ummm. I wouldn't know.

The Wood Family said...

That is so awesome!! I need to get in and get started..

Jill said...

Good for you! I love reading your blog. You have good stories and the best pictures! Hey...where did Mindy go????