Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Avery's SIXTH Birthday!!!

I can hardly believe my little Avy Bellybutton is SIX! I remember being pregnant with her like it was last week! Maybe because it was so STRESSFUL!! When I was five months along I was told that there was a good chance that Avery would be born with Downs Syndrome. Of course, I was so disappointed and sad and worried. Joey gave me a blessing and said that everything would be fine and it was. I went in for further testing and found out that she was perfect. Then, a month later I became sick. Sicker than I have ever been in my life and sicker than I ever hope to be again. I felt like I was dying and was so worried for the little baby girl inside me. We went to Desert Sam's ER and waited in a BUSY Emergency Room for hours before they could see me. They ran tests, said I would be fine and sent me home. I KNEW I wasn't fine as I became sicker and sicker and more scared for my babys life. Then out of the blue, we received a call from a random doctor at the hospital. He said that he had opened my chart for some reason ( he wasn't my doctor and really had no reason to read my chart) and he had read my labs and realized that I had been sent home with an extremely dangerous and possibly fatal infection in my bloodstream. He said I should not have been sent home and I needed to get back to the hospital ASAP for treatment. So we jumped in the car and booked it back there. When we arrived, the doctor that called us back told us that he had just been passing by the nurses station and my chart was sitting there, I guess waiting to be filed or something, and for some reason he stopped and read my lab work. I have always felt that he was prompted by the Spirit to take time out of his hectic schedule to read some random patients lab work! I'm SO grateful that we were being watched over and protected! I was so worried that the infection had hurt her(not to mention all the medications I was on for over a month trying to kill the infection) and it was with so much relief that she was born on March 30, 2002!! A perfect, healthy baby girl! Six years have gone by so fast! I keep telling her to PLEASE stop growing up and stay my little girl forever! She says" I can't Mom! Or else I can't grow my own babies!" She always tells me not to worry because when she grows up and gets married to her own boy that I can come and live with them. I'm sure her future husband would LOVE that!!

Avery wanted to have a "Princess Sleepover Party" for her birthday but when she found out she couldn't invite boys she quickly changed her mind and wanted to have a "Princess Party at the Park"! All her cute little friends came and played and ate cupcakes and beat the crap out of the Barbie pinata!

Even Coco came to the celebration!


ducklips said...

Oh my gosh, what a scary story. I had no idea you had such a hard pregnancy. We are all glad that Avery made it safely into this world.

What cute kids all together at the party. I love how Addie is at the back w/ her hands folded all shyly while all the other kids are sticking out their tongues. So typical.

Stacy said...

I was happy to see that Coco made the blog! :)

Coartney Wright said...

happy birthday miss avery!! i love to hear other pregnancy stories it makes me think of my little babies right from the hospital! OH and michelle neal said you said some really sweet things about me!! THANK YOU, she told me thursday, and i was thinkin i was pretty crappy right about then so really thank you!

Alisa said...

I love Michelle! She cracks me up! I don't remember what I said about you Coartney but I don't know any bad things about you so I only say good stuff! And I don't think anyones horror pregnancy stories can compare with YOURS! You win!