Well, the summer draws to a close. We had a good one. The kids were all ready to go back to school and I was ready to get back into a routine. Avery has been waiting and waiting to get to wear some of her new school clothes and today she finally got to bust them out. She looked so CUTE and grown up! She started first grade today. Even though she's so tall she looks like she should be starting third grade. She wasn't held back! She's only SIX!I really wanted Drey to wear one of his "nicer" shirts to school on the first day but he insisted that he wear the Spongebob shirt. I decided to pick my battles with him. This one didn't seem as important so I let him wear the darn shirt. I DID make him change out of the shorts with a big bleach stain on the front. I have to draw the line somewhere. Come to find out...ALL the shorts we bought Drey for school are mysteriously too big. He tried them all on weeks ago when they were purchased, he said they fit, we took off the tags and washed them and put them away for school. Now he says they are too big. Hmmmmm. It's a mystery. I have a sneaking suspicion that he went in and PRETENDED to try them on but didn't really. Now he has basically no shorts (that don't have stains on them) to start the school year off with. This is irritating to me...I'll just leave it at that.Gage started Junior High school today. My BABY! I don't like this one bit!!! He was SO nervous. He kept asking me over and over if he matched. I told him he did and then he would go change. I guess he didn't believe me. He looked so cute! I wish he was a little less handsome...STAY AWAY girls!! He wanted me to go with him and help him find his classes. He couldn't go to Meet the Teachers night at the school because he was camping . He was nervous that he would get lost. I asked him FIVE times if he was sure that he wanted me to come with him early to the school. I didn't want to embarrass him after all. He insisted that he wanted me to come. So we went down to the school about 20 minutes before class was supposed to start. We weren't there 30 seconds and he said "I'm good, Mom. I'll find it." I was like " You don't want me to help you find the classrooms?" He quickly told me that he could do it and he would see me later. I think he didn't want to be seen with me!!! Of course, there were no other parents walking around so I don't blame him. I was nervous for him all day. Hoping he found his classes, hoping he had friends in some of them, hoping he didn't have to sit alone at lunch... oh man I remember Junior High. I wouldn't want to repeat that experience for a million dollars. Okay, maybe I would consider it for a million dollars. But not for less than that. It's a horrible awkward time. I think he'll be alright though.Delly wasn't too happy to have the kids abandon her today. All morning she would say "Where Sissy go?" I would tell her Sissy was at school. Then she would make a "pouty face" and stick her bottom lip out. A little while later she would say "Where Dreybee go? I would say he's gone to school too and she would do the thing with her lip. It was cracking me up! Poor kid lost all her playmates. Just boring old Mom now.
Never Say Never
1 week ago
I love the first day of school. Even when I was a kid I loved it. ( I have to admit the love stopped after the first day back then, but it doesn't seem to now.)
It's funny how similar our stories go for Addie and Kas as yours were for Avery and Drey. Antoinette was so excited and Kas had to change out of his stained cut offs that I found him in this morning. As for the too big problem. I started giving Kas a belt. Any pants that are long enough for him are much to big in the waist, so the belt has made a profound difference in our house.
Gage does look so cute. Watch out Alisa.
Remember your first few days of junior high at Willis? I do, I remember passing you on the sidewalk with a look a terror on your face not know where to go. I remember you asking me if I knew where a classroom was. I helped you (but I don't know why cause you were only mean to me afterwards.) and after that you were fine. Good times. Hard to believe that little Gage is doing the same thing we did. :)
It scares me sometimes how similar our boys are. Kindred spirits I guess.
I remember that first day too! I remember you helping me after some other kid that I had asked had given me completely wrong directions. Kids are mean. Thanks for helping me bro! And I don't remember ever being mean to you. I only remember being mean to Mindy and Stacy. But thats all in the past. Right girls?
Wow,Schools back in! We still have a few more days. I am not looking forward to it. I just need a few more weeks! I hope gage did great. I'm sure he did. Logan is now a teenager, almost 6 feet tall, and and 8th grader! I'm sick over it too. I remember the Willis days! They were pretty scary. I'm just glad I had you there. We made the best of it...Good Times! We're getting old my friend!
alisa, Isn't back to school fun? i use to love it until i became a teacher.... i finally updated my blog, we have new babies, check it out...
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